Who is it for?AnchorBoys

Anchors form the youngest section of the Company, it is for boys from reception (age 5+) to school year 3 (age 8). We meet at WWSBC on Friday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:00pm (during school term time).

Why Anchors?

Boys of this age are developing rapidly. There are big changes in their mental, emotional, social and physical development. However, all Boys are different and have a variety of needs. The relationships formed with Boys at this age can be important in assisting them to achieve a sound sense of personal and group identity.

What do they do?

Anchors have lots of fun doing different activities which include making things, crafts, music, games, sports, stories, going on visits, making friends, and working towards their badges. All of this is done as part of a balanced programme that is separated into 5 different zones.

The 5 Programme zones are as follows;

  • BODY – fit for fun (games and physical activities) 
  • MIND – think and do (puzzles, quizzes, thinking games, treasure hunts and hobbies) 
  • SPIRIT – God and me (devotions, prayers, worship and bible teaching) 
  • COMMUNITY – me and my world (conservation, local community and church) 
  • CREATIVITY – make and do (crafts, cooking, drama and music)

More info on the Anchors Badgework

Everything a Boy in the Anchors does helps him to develop and to think for himself, in a safe environment and to look beyond themselves. 

Why a Uniform?

Like all sections of the Company the Anchors have a special uniform that they wear. This consists of a blue polo shirt and a red sweatshirt, school trousers, socks and shoes. The uniform gives us an identity and enhances a sense of belonging. We take pride in our uniforms and the boys show off their badges they have worked so hard to earn.

How does it work?

A typical Friday evening will consist of games in the main hall followed by craft activities.

How do I join?

Well, it couldn't be easier, just turn up! - come and have a look, if you like what you see then stay and join in the fun. Parents and Carers are more than welcome to stay and observe if they wish. We don’t expect our new members to commit to subscriptions and uniform straight away. Once you have decide to join us we keep a selection of new and second hand items in stock and would encourage you to speak to your Section Leader about this as soon as you are happy to.

We have a great bunch of boys in Anchors so why not come and join them!